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The Famous Grouse Smoky Black 40% 100cl

The Famous Grouse Smoky Black 40% 100cl

The Famous Grouse Smoky Black 40% 100cl

Litran hinta: 33,23€
Maa: Scotland

37,98 €
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The Famous Grouse Smoky Black is a unique variety of whiskey from the famous Scottish producer The Famous Grouse. Here are its characteristics:

Introduction to The Famous Grouse: The Famous Grouse is one of the most recognizable whiskey brands in the world, known for its tradition and quality. Smoky Black is one of its variants, which is distinguished by a characteristic, smoky flavor profile.

Aroma: This whiskey has a distinct smoky aroma, resulting from the malt drying process in traditional peat roasters. The aroma also includes notes of malt, fruit, caramel and delicate vanilla.

Taste: The Famous Grouse Smoky Black is full of flavor with distinct notes of peat and smoke, giving it a unique character. In addition, you can feel the notes of honey, caramel and dried fruit. It is a whiskey with a distinct and complex flavor.

Summary: This whiskey is great for lovers of smoky and peated whiskeys, although it is not as intensely smoky as some Islay single malts. It has a strong character that attracts many connoisseurs.

Usage: The Famous Grouse Smoky Black can be tasted neat, with ice cubes or as an ingredient in cocktails, especially those with a more pronounced flavor character.

Perfect for the evening: This is a whiskey that is perfect for evening relaxation, especially for people who appreciate the unique taste of whiskey with a slightly smoky character.

The Famous Grouse Smoky Black 40% is a noteworthy item for those who are looking for a whiskey with a unique, smoky flavor profile. It is a proposition that will satisfy the tastes of lovers of whiskey with character.