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Tre Kronor Guld 5,9% 24 x 33cl

Tre Kronor Guld 5,9% 24 x 33cl

Tre Kronor Guld 5,9% 24 x 33cl

Price per liter: 1,45€
Country: Sweden
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11,60 €
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Tre Kronor Guld 5.9% is a beer characterized by a unique taste and an alcohol content of 5.9%. The beer has a golden color and a characteristic aromatic bouquet. In the bouquet you can find malt notes and delicate hop accents that create a balanced and pleasant flavor profile. Tre Kronor Guld 5.9% is a beer for those who appreciate deep flavor and moderate alcohol content. This beer is a perfect companion for moments of relaxation, meetings with friends or celebrations of various occasions. Discover the richness of taste and aroma in every sip of Tre Kronor Guld 5.9%.