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Chill Out Rose 12,5% 300cl BiB

Chill Out Rose 12,5% 300cl BiB

Chill Out Rose 12,5% 300cl BiB

Price per liter: 5,33€
Country: Australia
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15,98 €
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Relax and enjoy the extraordinary freshness of Chill Out Rosé 12.5%. It is a wine that takes you to a moment of relaxation and joy, offering an unforgettable taste experience.

Immerse yourself in the aromas of red fruits and flowers that spread in the bouquet of this wine - from strawberries to roses. The taste of Chill Out Rosé is light and harmonious, combining the delicate sweetness of fruit with pleasant acidity.

Let this wine accompany you on warm days, meetings with loved ones or romantic evenings. Chill Out Rosé 12.5% is a proposition for lovers of rosé wines with a subtle character. Discover the pleasure of the freshness of the Chill Out taste and enjoy every glass.